Modern mankind has invented itself as something separate from nature. This distancing has fostered an exploitative mentality and less biodiversity. How, then, can we reinvent our relationship with other forms of life? How can we organize more equitable systems between human and non-human beings? How can we learn to better comprehend, appreciate, and respect living things?
Must we create new artifacts and new relationship and communications protocols with animals and plants?
Let us explore the applications and methods that could help us create a sense of unity among living species that coexist and show respect to each other.
An alternative future trail based on an original idea by RF Studio, narrated by Jean Echenoz, author and produced by Adorable Studio.
With the participation of Ramy Fischler, designer and RF Studio founder ; Scott Longfellow, director of Bureau des Usages ; Marie-Angèle Hermitte, honorary research director at the CNRS ; François Bouteau, ecophysiologist, member of the interdisciplinary laboratory of tomorrow's energies, University of Paris-Diderot ; Dominique Bourg, Philosopher and the kind contribution of Veolia and its employees: Frédéric Haas, director of communication Veolia Water - Hauts de France and Gregory Saunier, deputy CEO of Iléo.
In 2051, the technological development of sensors made it possible to establish inter-species communications. An expert in charge of defining the mutual rights and duties between humans and large plants tells us about his discussions with the different types of trees.
Marie-Angèle Hermitte – Quels rapports entre artificialisation de la nature et droit(s) du vivant ? https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/colloque-2017/symposium-2017-10-20-15h30.htm
Marie-Angèle Hermitte in « LA NATURE, SUJET DE DROIT ?», «Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales »
2011/1 66e année | pages 173 à 212 https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-2011-1-page-173.htm
Timothy Morton – La Pensée écologique (video)
Timothy Morton – La Pensée écologique
Anne Simon – En finir avec la nature (video)
Anne Simon, entretien PRÉ, questions de Lucile Schmid
Vinciane Despret – Habiter en Oiseau – Extrait
https://www.decitre.fr/ebooks/habiter-en-oiseau- 9782330126759_9782330126759_1.html
Vinciane Despret – Comment partager nos territoires avec les animaux ? (video)
Nastassja Martin, auteure de Croire aux fauves (video)
Nastassja Martin, Croire aux fauves (extrait)
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Bruno Latour & Dona Haraway
Donna Haraway – Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (VIDEO)
Le Chthulucène, manuel de survie sur une planète polluée
https://www.lesinrocks.com/2018/02/05/arts/arts/le-chthulucene-manuel-de-survie-sur- une-planete-polluee/
Bruno Latour & Isabelle Stengers – Face à Gaïa (Vidéo)
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Anne-Caroline Prévot « Des expériences de nature pour entrer en transition ? » (Video)
Anne-Caroline Prévot – Moins on est en relation avec la nature, plus on l’oublie
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