Our use of time

Toward a redefinition of the meaning of work.

In the face of generalized automation, work has gradually lost its primary meaning, sliding toward a set of tasks to be accomplished without added value nor understanding of the results. The presence of artificial intelligence on the machine side leads us even closer to a reconsideration of human work and its transformations. Will we change what we spend our time on? Will commitment, a search for meaning and values, and cooperation, take part in reconnecting us to the world of work? Does our reconnection with the Earth and with a longer time scale not predict a new relationship with work? Will our measured mastery of technology generate new professions? Rather than imagining its end, let us explore new ways of working that may serve to reconcile individuals with groups, cities with the countryside, and salaried life with real passionate interests.


An alternative future trail, based on an original idea from RF Studio, narrated by Maylis de Kerangal, author. With the participation of Ramy Fischler, designer and RF Studio founder ; Jean-François Rial, CEO of Voyageurs du monde group, Tom Rial, market gardeners and entrepreneurs and Jean-Martin Fortier market gardener and writer.

The Audio Fiction

In 2050, Elizabeth Saule is interviewed for the 30th anniversary of the Dunes Estate, a farm in the heart of an eco-hamlet made up of humans, plants, animals and robots. This agricultural community presents itself as a rural coliving and welcomes urban residents for stays of reconnection with the living.

Read the article (pdf)

The author

Maylis de Kerangal

Born in Toulon in 1967, Maylis de Kerangal grew up in Le Havre, before embarking on her studies in the humanities, philosophy, ethnology, history, and anthropology, in Paris. She then became editor of a travel guide, then of documentary literature for young people, a job that “left its mark on her writing”. In 2004, she founded Les Editions du Baron Perché publishers, specializing in youth literature. An author of a dozen books, she is known by the public mostly for her three novels: Corniche Kennedy, published in 2008 by Editions Verticales and adapted to film by Dominique Cabrera; Naissance d’un pont, which was awarded the Prix Médicis in 2010; and Réparer les vivants (2014), which also received many awards and was adapted to film by Katell Quillévéré in 2016.

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Selected fictions
  • « AU BAL DES ACTIFS DEMAIN, LE TRAVAIL », Recueil de nouvelles Science Fiction, Coordonné par Stuart Calvo
  • « News from Nowhere, or, an Epoch of Rest : being some chapters from a utopian romance” (1890) De William Morris
  • « L’homme des jeux »
  • 1988, Ian Banks, « The Punishment », Filipe Vila
  • Écotopia, Ernest Callenbach, Édition – Rue de l’échiquier, Date : octobre 2018
  • Autofac, Adaptation Philip K.dick, 1955
  • Les dépossédés D’ Ursula K Le Guin 1974
  • R. U. R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots, sous-titre en anglais du livre tchèque Rossumovi univerzální robotia)
    Pièce de théâtre de science-fiction (1920) par Karel Čapek
  • Brazil, 1985, Terry Gilliam
  • Pumzi, 2009, De Wanuri Kaizu
  • Les temps modernes, 1936, Charlie Chaplin
Listen to the audio fiction